Publisher's Blog
Peter Grimes, Publisher and founder of VOWS Magazine, addresses industry issues, and can be reached at 949 388 4848 or via email

David's Bridal: a False Narrative
May 11, 2023
by Peter Grimes
Publisher, VOWS Magazine
As of this writing, David’s Bridal self- imposed June deadline is weeks away, with no indication of a potential buyer...

Strong Opening. . . Though Facing Headwinds
Jan 16, 2023
By Peter Grimes, Publisher
“. . .keeping a wary eye on the projected but slow-moving recession and its potential impact. . ."
Best of times... worst of times...
Dec 23, 2021
Clearly the best of times and the worst of times for bridal... yet the key takeaway is that the Best of times outweigh the drag of the worst of times!

Advice, action during COVID will sustain post COVID
Oct 19, 2021
Publisher's Note: Words of advice and actions taken have served us well through those dark days of the past 18 months... and will sustain through the difficulties ahead

April Markets offer promising sign for August
May 24, 2021
by Peter Grimes, Publisher
So we conclude another “different” Market, again marked by COVID precautions, hesitations and restrictions.. but this one with promising signs for what to expect in August

Past time to support the importance of the gown
Mar 9, 2018
It is beyond time for bridal consumer media and bloggers who make their living advising the bride to emphasize the value, importance and central role of the gown. . . not just how to save money on its purchase.

State of Industry
Nov 1, 2017
I believe our best is exactly what your Millennial brides want and expect.
Selling more may not require longer hours
Mar 10, 2017
Work smarter by concentrating on what you do best... and delegating the rest.
Millennials as employees
Jan 6, 2017
This issue provides insights into the attitudes and buying habits of our Millennial customers…

Same as ever was... and that's good news
Sep 1, 2016
The same as it ever was... which is good news for the bridal industry.
Thoughts on the National Bridal Gown sale
Jun 1, 2016
Notes on the National Bridal Sale…
and on the passing of industry pioneers