Morilee by Madeline Gardner hosted an extraordinary display of its 70-year legacy of timeless elegance and exceptional quality bridalwear complete with a choregraphed runway presentation of 2024 collections at a celebratory anniversary event held at Carnegie Hall during New York Bridal Fashion Week.

Following the runway presentation, special guests, industry colleagues and boutique and media partners were delighted and entertained by a special display of key bridal gowns from each of Morilee's seven decades in business... several gowns immediately recognized and fondly remembered by boutiques in attendance.

"Reaching our 70th year milestone is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence, our breathtaking designs, and unparalleled customer experience," stated Terri Eagle, President and CEO at Morilee, who opened the event by recalling and describing the company's rich legacy as she recognized designer Madeline Gardner's achievements and dedication, its talented team, and the support and trust of valued customers and vendors.

“As the principal designer, Madeline Gardner has played a significant role in shaping Morilee’s aesthetic and global success. Her talent and creativity have gained her recognition for her exquisite designs, impeccable attention to fit, and the care she places in meeting the needs of brides around the world,” adds Eagle. “Madeline’s designs are best known for their intricate detailing, luxurious fabrications, and flattering silhouettes, catering to a wide range of brides’ preferences and body types.“

As Morilee celebrates its Platinum anniversary with a look back 70 years, Gardner's 2024 collections look to "pave the way for the future of bridal fashion into an iconic new era," she explained, describing her collections further as "a harmonious blend of fresh an airy silhouettes juxtaposed by opulent touches of maximalism. A celebration of the beauty that lies within sharing such a special moment in  our brides' lives, one we look forward to celebrating for many more years to come."

A special moment during the event was Gardner awarding the first ever Morilee by Madeline Gardner Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) scholarship to current FIT student SooYeom Sim in the amount of $10,000... special in that Gardner is herself is a graduate from that program.