While many online-only retailers are busy opening brick-and-mortar locations, having realized that convenience alone isn’t enough to wow customers. I have been doing the opposite:
Thinking of ways I can complement our physical product, the magazine, with some online components.
One idea that has been swirling around in my head: filming brief video segments that highlight a particular issue, answer a frequently asked question or provide deeper insight into the stories we publish. I envision short 1-2 minute clips, posted to social media. Not only am I intrigued by video marketing, but I think this could be a fun way to share more in-depth, complementary information. As this idea is still in its early stages, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Sound off by e-mailing shannon@vowsmagazine.com.
While we’re on the subject of frequently asked questions, I thought I’d answer some of the most common ones I get:
How can my salon become the VOWS Retail Standout? For starters, let us know you’re interested! The best way to do this is fill out the Retail Standout request form, found on our website (https://www.vowsmagazine.com/standout-request-form). We’re always looking for salons throughout North America with a great story to tell! Retail Standouts should be at least 10 years old and have an exemplary history of success, community involvement and customer service, as well as an excellent web/social-media presence.
Where do you get the stories for Tidbits? The most common place is from retailers themselves! If there is something unique, exciting or special going on in your salon, we want to hear about it! Feel free to e-mail or call me 720-936-3326.
Can you provide insight into X issue? I’m always happy to provide my thoughts or opinion on a situation, and in fact have done so for many retailers. Again, feel free to e-mail or call.
I’m interested in contributing to VOWS stories. How can I do this? We’d love to include your voice, as VOWS thrives with reader input! Keep your eyes on our Facebook page and also on the Independent Bridal Shop Owners private Facebook group. . . our writers often post about stories they’re working on there, soliciting retailer input. You can also e-mail me your contact information and I will add it to a database I maintain of retailers who have expressed interest in contributing to VOWS.